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Our new face, Caribbean Professional Representative Corp.

"Safety in a world full of opportunities for you"

New Logo for the Caribbean region & El Cafecito News

Changes lead us to make decisions and for the most part these decisions force us to make sacrifices. But how wonderful it is when you do it for love, then it stops being a sacrifice and becomes a pleasure.

The message behind the change - At first having to abandon my position as National Marketing Director, stop being an individual and become an authorized person of a corporation seemed like a sacrifice. Working in a team, delegating responsibilities and watching others grow, who appreciate the opportunity in a special way when they value the effort and reach the degree of giving their best for the team following the same discipline, that is something invaluable that ends up becoming a pleasure .

Acknowledgment - I want to thank the sales force who have put their trust in teaching and education rather than in vain or empty things. They have shown their desire to do the right thing and have welcomed me into their organization as their Director. This has not been an imposed change, rather a requested and collective change. We can say that the chips were put in place and now we come into play. Our ship has started and we are lifting anchor. Thank you for being there and for allowing me to be with you.

Purpose - Our logo arises from the direction that our region has taken at the national level and without the slightest doubt, we can say that a force that goes beyond normal leads us to unity and trust in those who demonstrate that they have the courage to do what is right. On the logo:

  1. The bow - It symbolizes the force that drives us to work daily and give our best for our loved ones and that involves others.

  2. The sail - Symbolizes the direction we take when the wind changes, without fear of losing speed, we make adjustments to our sails and when we feel the force of the wind, then we notice that we take the correct direction in control of our course, because we have learned to drive the ship.

  3. The sphere - It symbolizes the union and we know that in the union is strength, as long as we stay within the sphere we will be in control, it is like being in the herd and when we leave it, we risk being on the lookout for the animals savages waiting for prey.

With this blog colleagues, I hope to bring the message of change to all our members, to tell them that we have always counted on you, we will always be here for you and we will always offer the opportunity as long as it is within our reach regardless of the level of knowledge that the crew member has, you will always have the opportunity to enter our sphere.

Enjoy the ride!

Your friend,

Angel Manuel Sierra Cruz

Chief Executive Officer

CPR Group

National Marketing Director

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