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Reasons to participate in the Testimonials segments at El Cafecito

The testimony of our associates increases the trust of those who listen to it, but benefits those who offer it even more.

I invite you to participate with us weekly in our segment entitled El Cafecito Arábiga, the best of our coffee. I will give you several reasons why you should do it.

  1. The client will know if you have what he is looking for and that will value it, he will take you into consideration. Let's do an exercise, and think about the moment you wanted to go on a family trip, you looked for a place to stay. Do you remember how many offers you saw? What did you do? Maybe you used a filter and wrote down the most important data: downtown, care and cleaning, air conditioning and price adjusted to your budget. But what happened? many alternatives kept coming out. All very similar, with very similar characteristics at the same price. How did you identify the difference? Well, you identified a few and you thought about it right? The decision is difficult when hearing about so much scam in these lodging places at a lower price for more than what you can receive in a hotel, and perhaps what sounds good really is. But what to do? You needed something that would indicate confidence, that would show you that the place you are booking was not only real, but that everything that the website promises is like that and that the photos reflect reality. You need opinions from people who have already been there. Many of us discard places that do not have a testimonial. Also, many may have testimonials, but a testimonial speaks for itself in its construction. So you must know how to write the testimonial with the appropriate thing so that finally the client decides on those who have good testimonials. The testimony that differs from the rest will reflect security and will give a lot of confidence when booking. Make your client identify with your testimonials.

  2. You will create trust and credibility in your potential client. You will place trust in a product that has reviews compared to another that does not have, and more in the insurance industry.

  3. You will differentiate yourself. Most insurance agencies still do not identify the importance of testimonials. If you start using them, you will notice that you are ahead of your earnings.

  4. You show knowledge of what you do.If someone enters your page and sees that you have worked helping others, they will automatically have a much better image of you.

How do you build the perfect testimonial?

Send questions to your clients and build testimonials, for this you must have a monitoring system and take advantage of the momentum, do not wait to ask the question later, write and seek the commitment when your client is most satisfied, you will only have one chance. One question might be, are you satisfied? What three things stood out the most to your satisfaction with my service?

Don't have testimonials?

Do not miss the Cafecito Arábiga with Ramón Morell, he will share three stories that will help you write your blog.

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